People deal with grief in many different ways. Most people deal with it in similar ways and have similar phases by which they process the loss of a loved one. Here are some common stages of grief that you or someone you know might go through.
Four stages of grief:
1. Shock and Numbness:
This stage immediately follows a loss to death. There is a sense that the loss is not real and it seems impossible to accept, we feel numb. This feeling is a defense mechanism in order to cope with the recent loss.
2. Yearning and Searching:
In this stage, the person is longing or yearning for the deceased to return and fill the void created by their passing. Many feelings are experienced and expressed during this time, such as weeping, anger, anxiety, preoccupation and confusion.
3. Disorganization and Despair:
In this stage the grieving person has accepted the changes associated with the death of a loved one. Having accepted the reality of the loss there may be feelings of apathy, anger, despair hopelessness and questioning.
4. Reorganization and Recovery:
In this final phase, the grieving person begins a new normal and a new way of life. Grief never ends but thoughts of sadness and despair associated with the loss will diminish and positive memories of the deceased will take over.
Because everyone grieves in his or her own way and own pace, there is no specific amount of time in which people will experience or complete these phases. There is no set time for which these phases should occur or how long one will or should be in each phase. Honor your feelings and take your time, things will get better and you will start to heal. If you need support during this process reach out to those close to you or someone you trust, being surrounded by a good support system can make your journey through these stages more bearable.