Category: Cancer

Turmeric: The Yellow Wonder Spice That Helps Everything Work Better

TURMERIC  (Curcuma longa) is a root/rhizome that naturally grows in India and Southeast Asia. It has been a part of the culinary and medicinal tradition of India for thousands and thousands of years. Its bright yellow color has been used as pigment for dyes and coloring. As a culinary spice, turmeric is a major part of Indian curry, and contributes…

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Tough Decisions: Euthanasia

How do we know when it is time? Keep in mind that every situation is different and even if you had to make this decision for another pet in the past, this time may be different:  Chronic conditions that are difficult to manage such as chronic cough or difficulty breathing, pain that cannot be controlled with pain medication and…

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Laser therapy

The term “laser” stands for “light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation”, which is a form of light therapy. Therapeutic laser therapy has been used frequently in the hospice setting for pain management, to promote wound healing, and to reduce swelling and inflammation. Laser therapy is non-invasive and very well tolerated by our patients. Many hospitals now have the ability to…

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The Story of Monty and His Bone Cancer

I want to share with our Nurse Your Pet visitors this story of a patient of mine, Monty, who had bone cancer. Monty had his leg amputated to reduce the painfulness of this type of cancer. Osteosarcoma, known commonly as bone cancer is very aggressive and most animals do not live very long once they are diagnosed. Amputation doesn’t slow…

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In my two earlier blogs I explained what medical mushrooms are, and how they differ from poisonous mushrooms, or psychedelic mushrooms, and how many medical mushrooms are also highly prized edible mushrooms. Briefly, mushrooms are a fungus, which is related to yeast, mold, and mildew. They live off of dead or dying materials by secreting digestive enzymes that break…

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Quality of Life

How do we know when it’s time? Who decides when it’s time when multiple people are involved in the care of a pet? Quality of life is what we use to know when it’s time to say good-bye, but it’s not so simple. Quality of life (QoL) is different for everyone and means different things to different people due…

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